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Emotional Freedom & Radical Self-Acceptance 🌈 Journey Part 1

journey plantmedicine Aug 24, 2021

I went to Hawaii this month as one version of myself and came home a totally different person.  

And it feels so good.  

I’m feeling vulnerable, excited, and quite bold to tell you this story. But I’m called to share it with you over the next three days because deep in the heart of every woman I’ve worked with, I hear their desire for true emotional freedom and radical self-acceptance. That’s what this story is about.

We are constantly birthing new versions of ourselves. Birth isn’t easy.


The Journey

On the fourth day of a magical women’s retreat in Hawaii, 12 soul sisters and I entered into a sacred plant medicine ceremony.  


It took about an hour for the medicine to take. And when it did, I felt warmth, peace, and a connection with everything good in the world. It stayed for many hours and it was FUN! We circled around each other, sharing our love for one another and our great Mama Earth. Everyone was having their own experiences yet feeling the thread of connection.  


Then, for me, it changed.

What began as tightness and nausea in my belly would eventually lead to me laying on the Earth, face down, sobbing uncontrollably until I felt the most liberating thing: surrender. 

Surrender of the deepest layers of grief, shame, doubt, and unworthiness.


Who I’ve Been

I have spent much of my life feeling ashamed of my body. 

I have allowed fear and doubt to shape many of my stories and actions.

I haven’t trusted that I am worthy to receive authentic love and have struggled to feel like I belong. 


These are self-sabotaging views. And yet they’ve been integral to who I have grown to be and have inspired the work I am called to do with women.  


The Metamorphosis   

I went into the ceremony having spent the last three years doing deep work around healing sister wounds (the ways we’ve been hurt by our sister friends), my sexuality and sensuality, trusting that I am worthy of love, and my ability to receive love. 

I approached the ceremony with a simple intention: to allow whatever needed to be revealed to flow through.  

What was revealed was devastating to who I was. There is no coming back from it, and I wouldn’t go back even if I could.  


There's more

I’ll pick up on the story in part 2, but for now, I want to acknowledge how many of us experience the same fear, shame, and unworthiness I have felt.  

No matter how much work we do to eliminate these aspects of ourselves, they’re part of our humanness. They can be sneaky… They’ll creep into the smallest cracks and take root if we aren’t aware of how and when they show up.    

My hope for all women, including myself, is to find ways to recognize these beliefs that keep us small and shed light on what we can learn from them. That allows us to rewrite our future story so that we can be deliberate about creating our destiny.  


I take hope and inspiration from stories of women who have found ways to reclaim their power. I share my story in hopes that you will find similar value for your own growth.    


Check out part 2... there’s more to this story. 

Much Love, 

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